General Assembly (Algemene Leden Vergadering)

Annually, three General Assemblies are held. These GA’s are presided by the praeses of the board (president of the association). The Jaarvergadering (Annual Assembly) is held in June, during which the board will change. Furthermore, there are two other GA’s, one held in October and one held in February. During these, the board reports its occcupations and proposes plans for representation of the association. Moreover, during every GA, committees are decharged and installed and their preliminary draft budget is shown.

If the board sees the need for a GA, the board is able to convoke a GA at all times. However, they have to give a seven day notice.

Two weeks before every GA, every member has the right to have a look at the reports. Access to the GA is only granted to members, honorary members, people who are part of a departement of the asssociation, and those who are invited by the GA.

The GA’s are held on:

  • 19th of October 2023
  • 14th of February 2024
  • 12th of June 2024
