Within our association, there are members that you can always go to with questions or problems of any kind. For example, if you are not feeling well, you are in an unpleasant situation or if you have problems with someone in your environment. They offer a listening ear and, if necessary, look for a solution together with you. You can contact them for anything, i.e. your questions or stories may be U.P.-related, but they don’t have to.

These confidential counselors have been carefully selected and have undergone special training. They can be reached via the e-mail address vertrouwenspersoon@upsv.nl. This e-mail address is only managed by them and they are the only ones who have access to the e-mail conversations.

At the moment our confidential persons are Katja Karamycheva, Arthur Siebers, Tycho Feberwee and Vassilis Topaloglu
