The education is developed continously. As a student, you attend lectures, go to work seminars, perform practicals and take exams.
You take courses that have been taught the same way for years, as well as courses that have only been around for one year. It is very important that you feel that you are well prepared for exams, that everything is subject-related within a block, that the lecturers give sufficient guidance and that the organization of the block runs correctly.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It is important to think you are prepared enough for the exams, that the subject is related to the content, that the teacher helped you enough, and that the organisations of the subject ois done well.
Whether it’s comments on content, the interaction between students and faculty, taking exams or the planning and scheduling of courses: all questions, comments and dissatisfactions are welcome. The reported complaint will remain completely anonymous.
The complaint will be reviewed and will be referred to the appropriate person if necessary.
Mail complaints and points of improvement about education to or fill in the Google Forms.