Availability of the books
The books are arranged here by period and academic year. Before each term, book lists are still checked with course coordinators. This ensures the accuracy of titles and editions. The required books will be posted online prior to the start of the period.
When can you order your books?
The table below shows the start of the different periods. No later than two weeks before the period begins, the books are online and can be ordered.
Block 1 | Monday, September 4, 2023 |
Block 2 | Monday, November 13, 2023 |
Block 3 | Monday, Feb. 5, 2024 |
Block 4 | Monday, April 22, 2024 |
How does the discount work?
WO4You checks daily whether titles are available cheaper online and adjusts the book price accordingly. This ensures that you purchase your textbooks at maximum discount. Because the price can change daily, there is no fixed discount rate. Still, you can be guaranteed to get 5% off the wholesale price anyway.
Purchasing books for a course from another study?
It is not possible to purchase books you need for an elective course.
Are your books not among them?
Sometimes the books you need may not be on the site because it is assumed that you have already purchased the books once in a previous course. Is this the case? Then send an email to assessor1@upsv.nl and the books can be put online for you.
KNMP books
You will need the Informatorium Medicamentorum, Formularium of Dutch Pharmacists and the Standards of Self-Care in your Pharmacy major and cannot be ordered through this site. Once you are registered for the course FA-MA104 you will receive an email about the procedure for ordering these books.
For questions regarding book sales, please feel free to email assessor1@upsv.nl.